MWrapParticles CoordinateList.l,NumPoints.l ; Bring particles in from opposite edge to which they left

Checks the particles in the list of X.w,Y.w, X.q,Y.q or Ptr.l coordinates as
pointed to by CoordinateList.l to see if they are outside of the bitmap or
clip window dimensions, and if so it makes the particle re-enter at the
opposite edge to which it left. This feature only works within reason, in that
the zone of detection around the edge of the bitmap or clip window is the same
width as the bitmap or clip window itself. Particles further away than that will
not be properly wrapped. An example is that a pixel may leave the bottom of the
bitmap, the wrap will detect this and subtract the height of the bitmap from
the Y coordinate, so that the pixel appears to have re-entered at the top. Note
also that horizontal wrapping does not work for Ptr.l particle lists, in which
case only the highest and lowest memory addresses are considered as the edges.
Please refer to MParticleFormat which you should call before performing your
particle operations and to be sure of the list format.

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